Describe your ideal company, location and job.


An ideal company is one where employ satisfies its customer and management satisfies its employ. And these both things mutually reflects in its overall growth. Small but means a lot.

Siddharth On 29.04.2015. 14:32

IN My Point Of view.

Ideal company Means : where customer satisfies for employees project Where managers Satisfies for employees performance.

Ideal location Means : Where I will get a new skills, knowledge, communicating with Different peoples.

Ideal Job Means : Where I Will think my theoretical knowledge Based on that I Will get Practical knowledge.

Lalita On 29.04.2015. 14:31

According to me an ideal company provides opportunity to implement innovative ideas to the employer, give potential support, and maintain good relationship between employer and customers.

I prefer any location where working environment is cool with friendly nature colleagues and other supportive staff.

In point of job, I would like to work in a condition where I get competitive environment in which my knowledge and potential skills get improve day by day and my work get recognition and respect along with growth.

Parvathi On 29.04.2015. 14:31

Ideal company:

Which provides healthy and biased free environment, lots of opportunities and where suggestion and view of every employees are respectable and welcome.

Ideal job:

Which gives self satisfaction and inner peace.

Ideal location:

All working place is good if your good in work.

Apoorva On 29.04.2015. 14:30


Ideal company is a company which will be a platform for my career growth. And ideal job is a job which gives fulfilment in work. And ideal location is a location where both ideal company and ideal job is there.

Thank you!

Dhivya On 29.04.2015. 14:29

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