No. | Field | Person | Country |
1 | Person on Moon | Neil Armstrong | USA |
2 | Person in Space | Yuri Gagarin | Russia |
3 | Person to reach South Pole | Amudsen | Norway |
4 | Person to reach North Pole | Robert Pearey | USA |
5 | Lady to Climb Mount Everest | Junko Taibei | Japan |
6 | President of USA | George Washington | USA |
7 | Foreign Invader to India | Alexander the Great | Greek |
8 | Chinese Traveller to India | Fahein | China |
9 | President of the Chinese Republic | Dr. Sun Yat Sen | China |
10 | Chairman of Peoples Republic of China | Mao-Tse-Tung | China |
11 | European to visit China | Marco Polo | Italy |
12 | Place where atom bomb was dropped | Hiroshima | Japan |
13 | Man to walk in Space | Alexei Leonov | Russia |
14 | Women cosmonaut in Space | Valentina Tereshkova | Russia |
15 | Woman Prime Minister of a country | Mrs. Srimavo Bhandarnaike | Sri Lanka |
16 | Women President of a country | Maria Estela Peron | Argentina |
17 | First sea journey around the world | Ferdinand Magellan | Portugal |
18 | First north-south crossing of Australia | Burke, Robert O'Hana | Irish |