Aptitude True DiscountPage 3


A bill falls due in 1 year. The creditor agrees to accept immediate payment of the half and to defer the payment of the other half for 2 years. By this arrangement he gains Rs. 40. What is the amount of the bill, if the money be worth 12(1/2)% ?
(a)Rs. 2400
(b)Rs. 3000
(c)Rs. 3600
(d)Rs. 4200
Answer is: CLet the sum be Rs. x. Then,
[X/2 + (X/2 x 100)/100+(25/2 x 2)] - [(X x 100)/(100 + (25/2) x 1] = 40
X/2 + 2X/5 - 8X/9 = 40
X = 3600
Amount of the bill = Rs. 3600.


If the true discount on a sum due 2 years hence at 14% annum be Rs. 168, the sum due is:
Answer is: AP.W. = (100 x T.D.)/(R x T)
P.W. = (100 x 168)/(14 x 2) = 600


The present worth of Rs. 1404 due in two equal half-yearly installments at 8% per annum simple interest is:
(a)Rs 1325
(b)Rs. 1450
(c)Rs. 1360
(d)Rs. 6800
Answer is: ARequired sum = P.W. of Rs. 702 due 6 months + P.W. of Rs. 702 due 1 year hence
Required sum = Rs.[(100 x 702)/[(100) + 8(1/2)] + [(100 x 702)/[(100 + (8 x 1))]
Required sum = Rs. (675 + 650)
Required sum = Rs. 1325.


A has to pay Rs. 220 to B after 1 year. B asks A to to pay Rs. 110 in cash and defer the payment of Rs. 110 for 2 years. A agrees to it. If the rate of interest be 10% per annum, on this mode of payment ?
(a)No gain - No loss
(b)A gain Rs. 7.34
(c)A loses Rs. 7.34
(d)A gains Rs. 11
Answer is: BA has to pay = P.W. of Rs, 220 due 1 year hence = [(220 x 100)/(100 + (10 x 1))]
A has to pay = Rs. 220
A actually pays = Rs. 110 + P.W. of Rs. 110 due 2 years hence
A actually pays = [110 + [(110 x 100)/(100 + (10 x 1))]] = Rs. 192.66
A gains = Rs. (200 - 192.66) = Rs. 7.34


I cant understand 17th question and answer please explain me

Rubi On 20.05.2018. 20:57

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