Reasoning Statemetn And Course Of ActionPage 1


Statement: If the retired professors of some institute are also invited to deliberate on restructuring of the organization, their contribution may be beneficial to the institute.

Course of action :

  1. Management may seek opinion of the employees before calling retired professors.
  2. Management should involve experienced people for the systematic restructuring of the organization.
(a) If only 1 follows.
(b)If only2 follows.
(c)If either 1 or 2 follows.
(d)If neither 1 nor 2 follow.
Answer is: BWe know it very clearly that retired professors have lots of experience and can give valuable suggestions. Hence, management should involved such experienced people seeking permission from the employees is not the right course of action.


Statement: Incessant rain for the past several days has posed the problem of overflowing and flood as the river bed is full of site and mud.

Course of action :

  1. The people should be made aware about the eminent danger over radio/television.
  2. The silt and mud from the river bed should be cleared immediately after resending of the water level.
(a) If only 1 follows.
(b)If only2 follows.
(c)If either 1 or 2 follows.
(d)If both 1 and 2 follow.
Answer is: DEach of the courses will provide relief to the victims. Hence, both the given courses of action will favor the solution.


Statement: Four cases of pick pocketing were reported at one of the most renowned five star hotels last evening.

Course of action :

  1. The hotel staff should be instructed to be vigilant and report any suspicious person or activity.
  2. More CCTV cameras should be installed near the dinning and reception areas of the hotel where these incidents took place.
(a) If only 1 follows.
(b)If only2 follows.
(c)If either 1 or 2 follows.
(d)If both 1 and 2 follow.
Answer is: DBoth actions are strong. according to the statement.


Statement: Local villagers have reported that instances of illegal cutting of trees have increased over the last few months in the forest area.

Course of action :

  1. The local should be encouraged to report any such activities in the future as well.
  2. Authorities should immediately look into the matter and put a stop to such illegal activities.
(a)If only 1 follows.
(b)If only2 follows.
(c)If either 1 or 2 follows.
(d)If both 1 and 2 follow.
Answer is: DAccording to the statement, given both the courses of action are strong.


Statement: Most of the children in India are not able to get education, because they get employed to earn livelihood in their childhood only.

Course of action :

  1. Education should be made compulsory for all children up to the age of 14.
  2. Employment of children below the age of 14 yr should be banned.
(a)If only 1 follows.
(b)If only 2 follows.
(c)If either 1 or 2 follows.
(d)If both 1 and 2 follow.
Answer is: AWe do not even need to think twice for answering this question as both courses of actions 1 and 2 are constitutional obligations. Hence, both actions follow.


Statement: Most of the development plans are on paper only.

Course of action :

  1. The incharges should be instructed to supervise the fields work regularly.
  2. The supply of paper to such department should be cut short.
(a) If only 1 follows.
(b)If only 2 follows.
(c)If either 1 or 2 follows.
(d)If neither 1 nor 2 follow.
Answer is: AMain problem according to question is that most of the development plans are on paper only. But if field work was supervised properly. Hence, only action 1 follows.


Statement: The sale of particular product has gone down considerably, causing great concern to the company.

Course of action :

  1. The company should make a proper study of rival products in the market.
  2. The price of the product should be reduced and the quality improved.
(a) If only 1 follows.
(b)If only 2 follows.
(c)If either 1 or 2 follows.
(d)If neither 1 nor 2 follow.
Answer is: AThe company must know the reasons why the sale has gone down. Clearly, in this case, price of the product should not be reduced. Hence, only course of action 1 will favour the solution.


Statement: Footpaths of a busy road are crowed with vendors selling cheap items.

Course of action :

  1. With the help of police they should be driven away from footpaths.
  2. Some space should be provided to them where they can earn their livelihood without blocking footpaths.
(a) If only 1 follows.
(b)If only 2 follows.
(c)If either 1 or 2 follows.
(d)If both 1 and 2 follow.
Answer is: DBoth statements 1 and 2 are follow.


Statement: Despite several effects, AIDS appears to be spreading rapidly in India.

Course of action :

  1. An awareness drive should be launched to increase awareness about AIDS.
  2. Sexual promiscuity should be discouraged.
(a) If only 1 follows.
(b)If only 2 follows.
(c)If either 1 or 2 follows.
(d)If both 1 and 2 follow.
Answer is: DBoth statements 1 and 2 are necessary steps towards prevention of AIDS.


Statement: Nearly 26% of all engineering graduates have been left unemployed owing to severe recession worldwide.

Course of action :

  1. All the unemployed students should be advised to take up jobs in foreign countries.
  2. The unemployed students should be advised to take up jobs only after the recession is over.
(a) If only 1 follows.
(b)If only 2 follows.
(c)If either 1 or 2 follows.
(d)If neither 1 nor 2 follow.
Answer is: DBoth courses of action are not strong.


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