Reasoning Blood RelationPage 3
21. | If A + B means A is the brother of B;
A % B means A is the father of B and
A x B means A is the sister of B. Which of the following means M is the uncle of P? | (a)M % N x P | (b)N x P % M | (c)M + S % R % P | (d)M + K % T x P |
Answer is: DM + K → M is the brother of K
K % T → K is the father of T
T x P → T is the sister of P
Therefore, K is the father of P and M is the Uncle of P.
22. | Pointing to Raaz, Madhav said, 'I am the only son of one of the sons of his father.' How is Raaz related to Madhav? | (a)Nephew | (b)Uncle | (c)Father or Uncle | (d)Father |
Answer is: CMadhav is the only son of one of the sons of Raaz's father → Either Raaz is the father or uncle of Madhav.
23. | Introducing a woman, Sunny said, 'She is the mother of the only daughter of my son.' How that woman is related to Sunny? | (a)Daughter | (b)Sister-in-law | (c)Wife | (d)Daughter-in-law |
Answer is: DThe woman is the mother of Sunny's granddaughter. Hence, the woman is the daughter-in law of Sunny.
24. | If A + B means B is the brother of A;
A x B means B is the husband of A;
A - B means A is the mother of B and
A % B means A is the father of B, which of the following relations shows that Q is the grandmother of T? | (a)Q - P + R % T | (b)P x Q % R - T | (c)P x Q % R + T | (d)P + Q % R - T |
Answer is: AQ - P → Q is the mother of P
P + R → R is the brother of P
Hence, → q is the mother of R
R % T → R is the father of T.
Hence, Q is the grandmother of T.
25. | 1. A3P means A is the mother of P
2. A4P means A is the brother of P
3. A9P means A is the husband of P
4. A5P means A is the daughter of P
Which of the following means that K is the mother-in-law of M? | (a)M9N3K4J | (b)K5J9M3N | (c)M9N5K3J | (d)K3J9N4M |
Answer is: CM9N → M is the husband of N
N5K → N is the daughter of K
Hence, → M is the son-in-law of K
K3J → K is the mother of J
Hence, → K is a lady
Hence, → K is the mother-in-law of M.